Thursday, February 5, 2015

I started playing Runescape again after a long break. Since all my skills are over 90 now it has been fairly easy to collect some 99s. Some 99s that I have gotten since December 2014 are: summoning, constitution, range, defense, divination, theiving, and agility. I also recently got max combat level of 138.

Double exp weekend is on the weekend of Feb 20th and i hope to get 99 construction.

After that, I will need to get Attack, strength, magic, slayer and dungeoneering to get my max cape!!

Comp Cape Requirements

To wear:

Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY account started

My friend Mark started a new DIY account on RS so i decided to start one too. He is quite a bit ahead of me but it will be fun to play RS in a different way from time to time. Here are the rules he follows about a DIY account.

No trading
No use of Grand Exchange
No assists
No lootshare
Group minigames are allowed

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ardy Elite completed!!

I have been wanting to finish the Ardy elite for a long time now. The Ardy 4 cape gives unlimited teleports to the ardy farm patch. Gonna be awesome for my herb runs. Aug 15, 2012

diaries done: Varrock, Ardy, Seers, Lumby, Burthorpe

Diaries left to complete: Fally (1 task), Karamja (2 tasks), Fremmy (2 tasks), Mortania (5 tasks)

Meet Orion

According to myth, Orion was the son of Poseidon the sea god and Euryale, daughter of King Minos of Crete, a great huntress. Poseidon gave Orion the power to walk on water. Homer in the Odyssey describes Orion as a giant hunter, armed with an unbreakable club of solid bronze. In the sky, the hunter’s dogs follow at his heels, in pursuit of the hare.

Orion inherited his mothers talent, and became the greatest hunter in the world. Unfortunately for him, with his immense strength came an immense ego, and he boasted that he could best any animal on earth. In response to his vanity, a single small scorpion stung him and killed him.