Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ardy Elite completed!!

I have been wanting to finish the Ardy elite for a long time now. The Ardy 4 cape gives unlimited teleports to the ardy farm patch. Gonna be awesome for my herb runs. Aug 15, 2012

diaries done: Varrock, Ardy, Seers, Lumby, Burthorpe

Diaries left to complete: Fally (1 task), Karamja (2 tasks), Fremmy (2 tasks), Mortania (5 tasks)

Meet Orion

According to myth, Orion was the son of Poseidon the sea god and Euryale, daughter of King Minos of Crete, a great huntress. Poseidon gave Orion the power to walk on water. Homer in the Odyssey describes Orion as a giant hunter, armed with an unbreakable club of solid bronze. In the sky, the hunter’s dogs follow at his heels, in pursuit of the hare.

Orion inherited his mothers talent, and became the greatest hunter in the world. Unfortunately for him, with his immense strength came an immense ego, and he boasted that he could best any animal on earth. In response to his vanity, a single small scorpion stung him and killed him.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

penguin locations

penguin locations

helpful website for hunting penguins

money making

Here are some posible ways to make money. Feel free to add your own methods. Keep in mind that almost any skill if you work on it to a high level can make you money. (fishing, fining, hunting, rc, wc, slayer etc)

1. runecrafting nats, bloods, deaths or double astrals.
2. frost dragons
3. gwd, nex
4. red chins, grahks
5. item lending
6. I have heard you can make a lot of money making scrolls for bunyips and unicorns, I havent checked it myself, also in trading pouches for scrolls.
7. collecting white berries on red dragon isle.
8. looting your kingdom in misc.

Mining and Smithing guide

Here are some of my mining tips along with some of my favorite mining spots. Save all your ores to work on smithing. Mine lots of stars all the way to level 99 and beyond, see my star hunting guide on this website. Two familiars do give an invisible mining boost. Obsidian Golem lvl 73 gives a +7 mining boost and the Lava Titan lvl 83 gives a +10 mining boost.

Varrock Armour gives a mining boost.

level 1-20 mine copper and tin in Varrock.

level 21-77 mine mostly iron, but you can mine any other ores and save them if you want.

If you have at least 15 dungeonering you can bank in the resource dungeon, where there is a deposit box. There are 3 iron ores right outside the door to the resource dungeon and there are 13 coal ore inside the resouce dungeon. I find I level faster with iron and you can get lots of coal when you get to level 77 mining.

Another favorite spot is outside living rock caverns where there are two iron ores. You can climb down the rope and use the deposit box inside the cavern.

A spot I haven't used much is at the mine outside Piscatoris fishing colony. There are 3 iron ores in a triangle and you don't have to move at all you can just mine and drop for fast levels.

I myself never liked mining at the granite quarry but many people mine there for very good experience. You can tele to a bank and deposit your granite or just drop it for faster exp. Granite sells well because it is used for summoning.

Once you reach 77 mining you can start mining in living rock caverns. At 77 you can mine coal and at 80 you can mine gold. There is a deposit box in the cavern and you should save all your ores for smithing later. World 84 or world 77 are safer for living rock cavern because they are crowded worlds and it makes it safer to mine. You will get hit sometimes so I don't recommend AFKing down there. As long as you are paying attention you should be safe to mine.

One of my favorite mines is the one in Keldagrim. You need to complete Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf to use the mine. I take the cart from the GE to get to Keldagrim. There are two runite ores and 10 adamantite as well as several gold ores. I spent many hours mining here and saving all the ores I could to smith with.

This is the video I made to celebrate my first 99 king They took away my music so just play your own when you watch it Razz


This is where you will start using the ores you have mined.
level 1-5 make bronze bars
level 5-15 smith bronze bars into arrowheads
level 15 make iron bars, use ring of forging

level 22 smith iron bars into knives
level 40-99 make gold bars using gold smithing gauntlets obtained from Family Crest quest.
level 68 smith mithril plates if you have any mithril ore in your bank
level 73-99 smith addy bolts or arrow tips. Fletch them for fletching exp if you want.

If you have saved the ores you have mined it should be an easy road to 99 ^_^ good luck!

Dailies and Weeklies and one Monthly :p

What do you do in your daily chore list? Here are some ideas:
Still testing this atm but I have been told it takes less than 20 min a day w 500k plus profit a day.

Buy Battlestaves in Varrock, add orb and alch

Mine red sandstone and make flasks
Gain favor in Miscelania kingdom, deposit money if needed, loot every 1-2 weeks
Collect sand in Yanille, flax in Seers and pure ess in Ardy
Buy seaweed and pineapple in Catherby

Get free pineapples in Brimhaven
Buy vial pkg in Karamja
Buy death runes from all the magic shops (Varrock, Port Sarim, Mage Arena, Magic Guild, Lunar Isle, Mage at the Abyss teleport, Void Knight Magic Shop)
Wicked hood teleports to make death runes

Mine stars ans chop evil trees
Jack of Trades aura bonus if you own it
Assist effigies if you are able

Farm Run-
Plant Marigolds/limpwurt root and herbs seeds at all the farming spots
Summon an Ent and harvest cactus spines at Al Kharid
harvest fruit from fruit trees/do tree run
harvest white berries on all your bushes
plant evil turnip seed
if you have any willows planted, cut branches

Kill Jade vine, Bork, Phoenix
Fish Flingers
Bookof Char
Court Summons

Loot Culinaromancer's chest in basement of Lumby castle
buy chocolate bars, cooking apples, pots of cream, flour and butter

Loot your kingdom every 1-2 weeks
If you are in a clan you can gain exp from clan cape
Tears of Guthix
Kill Skeletal horror
collect rocks for statue
hanky points

Troll Invasion

Herblore Habitat


Special notes: You can get strange rocks while playing this mini game.

When harvesting herbs with the Farming Juju potion you get the chance of harvesting two herbs at once. If this happens when you have only one inventory spot open the extra herb will fall on the ground. Don't leave a farming spot before you check for herbs on the ground.

This mini game trains three skills together farming, herblore and hunting. The habitat is an inexpensive way to train herblore.
To be able to train the three skills at the core of the Herblore Habitat, you will need a Farming level of at least 54, a Hunter level of 70 and a Herblore level of 54. Since Farming is the skill with which you can train all other skills, you must have a Farming level of 54 to get any benefit from the Herblore Habitat. In order to obtain all 3 rewards, you must have (81 Hunter), (77 Farming), (75 Herblore) and (55 agility). Boosts can be used.

If you wish to construct your own environmental features in the habitat - rather than paying Papa Mambo to make them - you will need between level 56 -80 construction. You don’t need to bring a hammer and saw for them. Papa Mambo will ask for between 56,000-80,000 coins to build a feature. To avoid the high cost of Papa Mambo building for you, get an assist from a player with 80 plus construction.

There is a deposit box available to the south of the habitat.

You can teleport to the habitat or walk there from the Shilo area.
To buy a teleport speak to Bettamax in Taverly near the house portal. The teleports are around 2k each. Once you have earned a witchdoctor mask, you can tele to the habitat for free using the mask.
Also bring a teleport to get out when you're done because it is in a remote location. You can always home teleport if you need to. Bring some money for supplies. Also make sure the farming leprechaun is holding all your farming tools including super compost. Talk to Astlayrix and Papa Mambo to get started he will give you a few free seeds to begin. You can buy more supplies from him as well.


These seeds grow into blossoms when planted in the vine flower patches of the Herblore Habitat. Everyone who comes to the area will begin by planting these seeds, in time you will collect seeds for the vine bush and vine herb patches. You look after these farming patches in the same way all other farming patches work. The leprechaun will store the potions you make here as well. It is recomended to pay the farmer to watch your herbs, I have lost a few by not paying. Also, you do not have to wait for a fruit tree to be fully grown before replacing it.

Payments For Farmer:
Apple tree- 9 raw sweetcorn
Banana tree- 4 baskets of apples
Orange tree- 3 baskets of strawberries
Lergberry bush- 3 red vine blossom
Kalferberry bush- 3 lergberries
Erzille- 3 green vine blossom
Ugune- 3 blue vine blossom
Argway- 4 red vine blossom
Shengo- 5 Lergberries
Samaden- 5 Kalferberries


Hunting at the habitat will give you a number of additional seeds that you can farm with at the habitat. Details of those plants can be found below.
After planting a seed (green, red or blue blossom) Common Jadinkos will appear and you can start hunting them with the traps you buy from Papa Mambo. I haven't had any problems catching Common Jadinkos without baiting the traps. I recommend baiting the traps of the higher leveled Jadinkos as well as either smoking the trap with a torch or drinking a scentless potion. You will be able to catch more of them this way, the bait is the withered vine that you get as a drop from catching common Jadinkos.

The traps are used the same way box traps are used to catch chins. The traps look very plantlike and the Jadinkos are part lizard part plant also. Three of the jadinkos are caught by tracking using a noose wand. There are only 2 or 3 paths the Jadinko will take while you are tracking them. It will become easy if you always start at the same burrow, then it will always take the same path, this way you can catch them much quicker.

The Jadinkos will drop more seeds for you when you catch them. You won’t get a seed every time but you do get a vine every time you catch one, which are used to make potions. There are 13 different types of Jadinkos. They are each attracted to the hunting area by the smells of the plants you have planted in the farming patches. The 10 more common Jadinkos are attracted to the same plants each time.

The plants the 3 god Jadinkos are attracted to will vary each week and will have to be determined by trial and error, they are also different for each player. You choose from a tree, a vine flower, a bush and a habitat. Some also require a potion poured over the flower you have grown. If you are on the right path for a God Jadinko, you may recieve a message "You have found 3 out of the 4 types for Guthix." Upon getting all four correct entries, you will receive a message "You've attracted some Saradomin Jadinkos to the nearby island."
After you have hunted Common Jadinkos for awhile you will have collected a few types of seeds. Planting these seeds in different combinations will attract other types of Jadinkos to the area. You should try to catch one of each type each week.

Steps for catching the 10 basic Jadinkos:
1. Common - Plant a green flower
2. Carrion - Plant kalferberry bush, build a boneyard
3. Diseased - Plant a banana tree
4. Cannibal - Build tall grass, use potion on flower patch
5. Shadow - Plant red flower, build abandoned house
6. Aquatic - Build pond, plant apple tree, use potion on flower patch
7. Camouflaged - Plant lergberry bush, build standing stones, use potion on flower patch
8. Draconic - Build dark pit, use potion on flower patch
9. Amphibious - Plant blue flower, build pond
10. Igneous - Build vent, plant orange tree

These are the components to attract each Jadinko. If the component isn’t listed it isn’t required.

Common, flower trap, any flower
Shadow, tracking, red flower, abandoned house
Igneous. Flower trap, blue flower, thermal vent. Lergberry bush, orange tree
Cannibal, flower trap, Juju hunter potion, green flower, tall grass, kalferberry bush
Aquatic, flower trap, juju hunter potion, red flower, pond, kalferberry bush, apple tree
Amphibian, flower trap, blue flower, pond, lergberry bush
Carrion, flower trap, green flower, boneyard, kalferberry bush
Diseased, tracking, any flower, boneyard, banana tree
Camouflaged, tracking, Juju hunter potion, any flower, standing stones, lergberry bush
Draconic, flower trap, Juju hunter potion, red flowers, dark pit, lergberry bush

Potions can be made out of the resources you collect during your hunting and farming activities in the habitat. The cauldron beside Papa mambo has water in it to use for potions or to refill watering cans. Six of the potions can be stored with the Leprechaun, the others you will store in your bank. The hunter and scentless potions are used in the herblore habitat. The hunter potion is poured on the vine blossom plant to attract certain Jadinkos. The scentless potion is one that you drink and it has the same effect that smoking the traps would have. You will catch more jadinkos by removing your scent from the area. The potions have some amazing benefits and are worth trying. I use the farming potion each time I do an herb run and in has increased my herb yields a lot. My best run so far is 72 snapdragons using the potions. I have also tried the fishing potions to catch baron shark. Cooking potions are used to make Juju gumbo which heals 320 life points and is the highest healing food currently. The woodcutting and mining potions will attract a spirit that will bank your ores or logs for you similar to the auto banking you get after the evil tree. The potions made from the god jadinkos give a 10 percent exp boost to farming, herblore and hunter as long as you are doing those activities in the habitat. I am loving the benefits of these potions.

These are the ingredients for making each potion:

Juju hunter potion, erzille, corrupt vine (Diseased Jadinko)
Scentless potion, argway, shadow vine (Shadow Jadinko)
Juju farming potion, ugune, marble vine (Igneous Jadinko)
Juju cooking potion, shengo, plant teeth (Cannibal Jadinko)
Juju fishing potion, shengo, aquatic vine (Aquatic Jadinko)
Juju woodcutting potion, samaden, oily vine (Amphibious Jadinko)
Juju mining potion, samaden, draconic vine (Draconic Jadinko)
Saradomin’s Blessing, samaden, saradomin vine
Guthix gift, samaden, guthix vine
Zamorak’s favor, samaden, zamorak vine


If you catch at least one of each Jadinko in one week (the reset time is the same as penguin's and the circus' reset, the shaman will tell you to come to him to receive your reward. The amount of xp earned is equal to twice as much xp you would get for turning a pair of shattered heart rocks. The first time you catch all of the normal jadinkos at least once, you will get Witchdoctor legs or Witchdoctor robes.
You will receive the Witchdoctor mask when you've managed to catch all of the god jadinkos at least once. The xp amount you receive after finding all 3 God jadinkos is equal to the amount of xp you get from turning in a pair of strange rocks. You get 12680xp for finding all normal jadinkos then you get 6340xp for finding all 3 God jadinkos at 81 hunter.
In order to obtain all 3 rewards, you must have (81 Hunter), (77 Farming), (75 Herblore). Boosts can be used.

Dungeoneering Tips

1. Start on floor 1 and go to the highest floor you can then reset, make sure all the floors have been done which you can do, you don’t have to do them in order but make sure they are all done before resetting. This is called prestige, the higher you prestige the more exp you will receive each floor. If you repeat a floor before resetting you will not get prestige exp for that floor seriously decreasing the amount of exp you receive.

2. 5 people in 5 difficulty large dungeon is best for higher floors (medium if you have 3 people), however 5 people in a 1 difficulty small dungeon are best for lower floors. Simply because the exp is so low its not worth spending too much time on them.

3. Complexity 6 is best for higher floors, however complexity 1 is best for lower floors. Same reason as above, get it done fast and move on to better floors.


4. Try not to die because it is a serious drop in exp. Tele out of the room if it looks like you might die.

5. Remember dung is a team skill. Don't just look out for yourself. Help out your team.

When you enter pick up a few pieces of food from the table. Also pick up 1-2 weapons to sell to the smuggler. You get more money for them if you alch them however. Use the money you buy to buy a few tools you will need to loot the dungeon. You can buy a toolkit but I like certain tools so I don’t buy it. Good tools to have are a pickaxe, a hatchet, hammer, knife, ess to make runes, fishing rod, feathers, and a tinderbox. Make laws, astrals, and cosmic runes for teleporting and cure poison spell. 20 of each should be enough unless you are in a large dungeon. Some foes in the dungeon are easier to kill using mage especially high level warriors wearing Gorg, Prom or Primal armour. For those I make an air staff and blood and death runes. But find out what spell you can use.

I also summon an adept bloodrager and make a strong melee potion to help boost my combat stats. Be aware of what you can summon and be on the lookout for the materials you need to have on hand for summons and potions. Most of these things can be found in drops or in the various rooms.

So that you can get an idea of the benefits of using potions and familiars I'm going to list the stats of the ones I use. The adept bloodrager gives an invisible boost of 9 percent to the players melee defense. Its scroll is called sundering strike and it increases the accuracy of the attack, deals more damage, and reduces your opponent's defense. The strong melee potion boosts attack and strength by 6 plus 20 percent of each level. I have customized my dungeonering ring to tier 7 Berzerker which gives 17 percent boost to strength when using an aggressive attack style. It is a good idea to find out what boost you can use and get their benefits.

Binding an Item: First priority is to bind a good weapon. I have a Prom 2h bound and it works well for most enemies, bind the best weapon you can wield. Second priority for binding is a shadow silk hood if you get it in a drop. It protects against almost all enemies. Third priority is to bind the best chest plate you can wear.

You can also bind 125 arrows and I recomend you do this. Some enemies are easier to kill using range.

Upgrading your ring: You can use tokens to upgrade your ring to give a boost in combat stats. I have berserker (used with a 2h sword) and gatherer (gives more resources when I mine, wc, fish, etc) on my ring. Level 4-5 is high enough to upgrade the ring. Make sure you activate the ring by changing the setting to 'in use'. I had a ring for weeks and it didnt seem to be helping much. I didnt have it turned on. lol!

Process: The idea is to clear each floor as fast as possible. The only things you need to kill are rooms with a guardian door inside and the boss at the end, skip killing all others unless you need food. If there is a shade in the room kill it first. They can do a lot of damage. It is enough to unlock all doors to get credit for the room. Make sure all doors are unlocked before killing the boss. Look inside the room before entering to make sure you don’t accidentally enter the boss room before you are ready. If a room is a dead end there is no reason to kill the enemies inside unless there is an altar inside, so that your team can recharge prayer. Do go in and pick up a key if there is one inside, then run back out.

If the creature looks like a dinosaur and its name ends it styx, these are not killed using a weapon but by carving a hunting trap and setting it up in the room. Ranged armour is made from the skins. There are 10 different tiers of this animal.

When processing resources use the best tools you can. For instance you will mine more ores if you have a prom pickaxe and you will burn less food if you use the best logs available. You also burn less food if you use the range to cook rather than using a fire alone. To use the range use a log on it then use a tinderbox on it to light it.

It is best to form a good dung team and have roles clearly set out. Some roles are keying, mining/smithing, fishing/wc/cooking, Stay together as a team as much as you can (except for the keyer) and pile enemies. All members of the team should be basing food for the team to use (bring food to the start room) Leave any coins you don’t need on the table in case someone needs to buy something.

The keyer: This is an important role and is the leader of the dungeon party. This person goes around unlocking all the doors. They are a scout, telling the rest of the team what to expect up ahead. The team should be ready to provide the keyer with food since they don’t kill enemies unless necessary. If the keyer says to tele to the gatestone finish clearing the room you are in first and them tele to it. If you pick up a key leave it at base and let the keyer know. The keyer will have you tele to a sfe spot when possible. If its not possible they will tell you what prayer to use before you tele. The rest of the team should stay together whenever possible. If the keyer asks for food take it right away. Listen to the keyer as that person is the guide and makes it much faster to clear a dungeon.

You will need to set up a system that works for you to keep track of where the keyed doors are located. A chart or spreadsheet can work well for this. Especially in large dungeons where there are many keyed doors to keep track of.

Group gatestone: The portal can be replaced with other things like an altar or range. If someone has built something dont replace without talking to the team. These things are expensive to build. You can still tele to the gatestone (gs) by using a spell with runes. You can also make a personal gatestone to make getting around faster.

Attack styles to use:

Animated pickaxe: Slash
Animated book: Slash
Ankous: stab, range, magic
Bat: Slash
Black demon: Slash
Brutes: Stab
Cave slime: magic
Crawling hand: crumble undead spell
Dungeon spider: slash, magic
Earth warrior: Crush
Edimmu: Stab
Fire giant: Stab
Forgotten mager: Slash
Forgotten ranger: Slash
Forgotten warrior (plate): Crush
Forgotten warrior (chain): Stab
Frost dragon, fire spells, stab
Ghosts: Slash
Giant bat: stab
Giant skeleton: crush, magic
Greater demon: Slash
Green dragon: Stab
Guard dog: Slash
Hellhound: Crush
Hill giant: Slash
Hobgoblin: Crush
Hydra: Slash
Ice elemental: Crush
Icefiend: Stab
Ice Giant: Crush, range, fire spells
Ice spider: crush
Ice troll: Stab, fire spells, flameburst defender
Ice warrior: crush
Iron dragon: stab, magic, fire spells
Jelly: crush, slash
Lesser demon: Slash
Mercenary leader: range
Mysterious Shades: Slash
Necromancer: Slash
Nechryael: slash
Night spider: crush
Pyrefiend: water spells
Reborn mages: unknown
Rats: Slash
Red dragon: stab, range
Skeleton: crush
Seeker: stab
Soulgazer: range, stab
Spiders: Crush
Spiritual guardians: crush, magic
Skeleton: Crush
Thrower troll: slash
Zombie: Slash

1. Gluttonous Behemoth
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Crush

2. Astea Frostweb
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Crush/Range

3. Icy Bones
Prayer: Protect Melee
Weakness - Stab

4. Luminescent Icefiend
Prayer: Protect Range
Weakness - Stab

5. Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
Prayer: Protect Range
Weakness - Stab

6. To'Kash the Bloodchiller
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Crush

7. Skeletal Horde
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Crush

8. Hobgoblin Geomancer
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Stab

9. Bulwark Beast
Prayer: Protect Range
Weakness - break armor with pickaxe then crush.

10. Unholy Cursebrearer
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Crush

11. Rammernaut
Prayer: - Protect Melee
Weakness - Magic/Stab

12. Stomp
Prayer: Protect Range
Weakness - Crush

13. Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Stab/Magic

14. Lexicus Runewright
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Range/Slash

15. Sagittare
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Stab

16. Night-gazer
Prayer: Protect Magic
Weakness - Stab, light all 4 beacons

17. Shadow-forger
Prayer: Protect melee
Weakness - Stab, avoid special attack by hiding behind pillars

18. Bal'lak the Pummeller
Prayer: Melee if your tanking, Magic if not.
Weakness - Stab

19. Yk'Lagor the Thunderous
Weakness: slash, magic

20. Grave Creeper
make sure auto relaliate is turned off during this battle
Prayer: melee
Weakness: slash

21. Necrolord
Prayer: mage
Weakness: range, earth spells

22. Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk
Prayer: mage in first form, melee in second form
Weakness: stab

23. Runebound behemoth
Prayer: magic
Weakness: stab

24. Skeletal trio
Prayer: Mage primarily but you may have to switch prayer. Try to kill the ranger first, then mage, then warrior
Weakness: Use the combat triangle and use attack style of whatever they are not praying

25. Blink
Prayer: swich according to its attack style
Weakness: stab

26. Warped gulgea
Prayer: switch prayer according to which special attack it uses
Weakness: slash, also weak to Gorajo combat familiars, bloodrager recomended

27. Dreadnaut
this boss can be safe spotted and maged
Prayer: melee
Weakness: magic

28. Hope devourer
this boss can be safe spotted and maged
Prayer: melee
Weakness: unknown

29. World-gorger Shukarhazh
Prayer: magic
Weakness: unknown

30. Kal'Ger the Warmonger
Prayer: melee when he is using the melee weapons, mage otherwise
Weakness: crush, switch attack styles when he does using combat triangle


Monday, August 13, 2012

Star Hunting Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Locations
3. Requirements
4. What Items to Bring
5. Basics of Star Hunting

The first week I started playing rs I was mining at the mine in west Varrock near Champions Guild. I saw a group of people crowded around what I thought was a buffalo. They appeared to be hacking away at this buffalo. I asked a friend what they were doing and he said “omg it’s a star!! Go mine it.” Ever since that first star sighting I have loved hunting stars. I was such a new player that I often got lost looking for them, but I didn’t seem to care, I kept at it. The first time I hunted a desert star I didn’t know I needed to bring water with me. Of course I was nearly killed. I built my castle mainly because I needed a telescope to aid in my star addiction. I have sometimes joked that I have a 50 mil telescope in my house because it is the reason I have an rs house.

Shooting stars is a Distractions & Diversions, which occurs every 2 hours.

You can find a shooting star by using your telescope in your rs house. Use the telescope and it will display a time and general area the star will fall.

Mining stars gives very good mining experience. It is how I got the majority of my mining experience. If you are the first person to touch a shooting star you get an experience bonus of 75 times your mining level. This is known as tagging a star.

The following chart shows exp per dust for each level of the star.

Star Size......Experience per Dust
Size 1…………….14 xp
Size 2…………….25 xp
Size 3…………….29 xp
Size 4…………….32 xp
Size 5…………….47 xp
Size 6…………….71 xp
Size 7…………….114 xp
Size 8…………….145 xp
Size 9…………….210 xp

You have 2 hours to mine a star, otherwise it will disappear. This has happened to me only once. I was mining alone at Relekka in the middle of the night, and poof my star was gone…. very eerie feeling.

You will receive “star dust” when you are mining the shooting star, max star dust is 200. After you reach 200 max star dust continue mining for experience. When the star is fully mined, a star sprite will appear and he will reward you for releasing him. You give the star sprite your star dust in exchange for your reward. The amount of rewards depends on the amount of star dust. If the star ends, also known as the star tubbies, and you don't have 200 dust, it is best to save it until the next star. This way you will get your max reward when you turn in your dust.

With 200 star dust, you will get:
- 152 cosmic runes
- 52 astral runes
- 50002 coins
- 20 gold ore (noted)

You can only get a reward once a day, but you can mine every 2 hours.

Misthalin (Lumby/Var):
• Lumbridge mine (lumby)
• South east Varrock mine (East Varrock)
• Champions guild mine (champs)
• Varrock Rune shop (rune shop)

Asgarnia (Fally):
• Rimmington mine (rimmy)
• Outside Mining guild
• West Falador mine (west fally)
• Crafting Guild (craft)

Kandarin (Ardy):
• Coal Trucks (coal)
• North east Ardougne (East Ardy)
• Monastry (Party Monks)
• Port Khazard (Khaz)
• Yanille Magic Guild (Yan)

Kharidian Desert
• Scorpion mine north of Al Kharid (Scorps)
• Outside Duel Arena building (Duel)
• Outside Al Kharid bank (Al bank)
• Mine north of Uzer (uzer)
• Nardah bank (nardah)
• Vulture mine (vultures)
• Granite Quarry south-west of Pollnivneach (quarry)

Fremmenik and Lunar Isle (Lunar):
• Keldagrim Entrance (Rel East)
• Relleka town mine (relleka)
• Jatizso mine entrance (jat)
• East of 2nd island on Neitiznot (neit)
• Miscellania mine (misc)
• Entrance to Lunar Island mine (lunar)

Wilderness (wildy):
• Zamorak mage, abbys mage (abbys)
• Skeleton mine, level 10 wildy (skelly)
• Wilderness Volcano bank (Wildy bank)
• Rune Rocks
• Hobgoblin mine, level 38 wilderness (hobs)
• Pirate mine, level 53 wilderness (pirates)
• Mage arena outside bank, level 55 wilderness (mage arena)

Piscatoris, Gnome and Tirannwn (gnomes):
• Gnome stronghold outside southern bank (gnome)
• Lletya, west of bank (Elves)
• Piscatoris, outside colony (pisc)

Morytania & Moss Le’Harmless (mos le):
• Outside Canafis bank (Canafis)
• Outside Moss Le’Harmless bank (moss le)
• Outside Burgh de Rott bank (burgh)

Crandor and Karamja (Jama):
• Crandor, south west coast (crandor)
• Brimhaven dungeon entrance (dungeon)
• Brimhaven Gold mine (shoe)
• Shilo Village gem rocks (Gems)
• Mine east of Nature altar (Nats)

Star Size…Mining level needed
Size 1…………….10
Size 2…………….20
Size 3…………….30
Size 4…………….40
Size 5…………….50
Size 6…………….60
Size 7…………….70
Size 8…………….80
Size 9…………….90

• No requirements

• 40 Crafting for Crafting guild

• No requirements

• No requirements

Kharidian desert:
• No requirements

Fremmenik and Lunar:
• Fremmenik Trails for relleka mine and Miscellania
• Started Fremmenik Isle for Jatiszo and Neitiznot
• Started Lunar diplomacy for Lunar isle

Morytania and Moss Le’Harmless:
• Completed Priest in Peril
• Started In aid of the Myreque for Burgh de Rott
• Completed Cabin Fever for Moss Le’Harmless

Karamja and Crandor:
• Completed most parts of Dragon Slayer quest for Crandor
• Completed Shilo village quest for Shilo Village

Piscatoris, Gnome Stronghold and Tirannwn
• Mourning end’s part 1 for Lletya

Star dust, if you have some in the bank from a previous star
A Glory amulet, you will receive gems when mining stars. Wearing a charged glory will get you more gems.

A Ring of Wealth will also get you more gems.
Teleports to all the locations in the area of the star landing

For a wildy star bring all the special precautions you would bring in any adventure into the wild
Brown apron, for fally stars, to get into the crafting guild
Ardy cape for ardy stars, it has a teleport to party monks
For desert stars bring money for magic carpets, waterskins, camulet, nardah teleports, teleport to pyramids, ring of dueling, slayer ring for its desert teleport
For Lunar stars there are two potentially dangerous spots Neit and Lunar Isle. Bring food, prayer pots, armor and a weapon. Also have your enchanted lyre, lunar staff for rings if you haven’t completed Fairy Tales 3.
For Gnome stars bring an elf crystal to teleport to Llyeta
For Jama stars Karamja 3 gloves will teleport you directly to the gem mine, Spirit Graahk familiar will teleport you near the nature rune altar,

For Burgh de Rott the Dracan's Medalian will tele you to town.

There is a leader on any star hunt and they keep the time or designate someone to keep the time. Ideally you will have someone watching every spot. In the cc the timekeeper gives the time saying, 3-5 min for example.
After the time is given you report on your spot. For example if you are watching horseshoe gold mine you would simply say “shoe clear” Don't use your own names for star locations, Use the location names the leader has designated. For those hunting with me the names for each spot are in parenthesis in the list above of the star locations.
If the star falls at your spot you always tag the star first before reporting it. Otherwise there is a chance another clan will get the tag. Tag the star and then report it clearly, stating your spot, size of the star and if you got the tag. For example, “star at shoe, size 9, safi tagged!!” It makes an amazing sound when it is falling that thrills die hard star hunters. You will also see the shadow of the star as it is falling and a loud crash as it hits the ground.

If all spot were not covered by people and the timer runs out and you know the star is down, the timekeeper says ok times up, time to run. You will then proceed to the next spot that you have been asked to watch.

When you find the star report it to the clan. When you tag a star your name is placed on a sign at the observatory. The last 5 tags of the day are on the sign at any given time.

The financial rewards to star hunting is minimal, about 100k for 200 dust. The greater reward is the awesome mining experience, the challenge of finding the star, the excitement of tagging a star and the fun of hunting with your friends. Hope to see you at a star hunt soon.


99 mining

Safi gets her first 99 in mining!!!!! May 25, 2010

Safi gets her agile legs

84 agility and now I have my agile legs!!! 4/22/11

*update- I now have 90 agility and my agile top as well =) 2012