Sunday, August 12, 2012
Tips for getting the inferno adaze
The Inferno Adaze is a reward for playing the Beacon Network mini game. You can get the Adaze at level 88 by boosting your firemaking level but be aware you cannot wield the Adaze until you have reached 92 firemaking. The boost needed is spicy stew with three shakes of orange spice but it is random if it works to boost your firemaking level.
The Beacon Network is a series of 14 beacons along the Wilderness and Varrock borders.
The Adaze functions as a dragon hatchet while woodcutting and as a rune pickaxe while mining.
While woodcutting, the Adze has 30% chance of instantly incinerating a log as it is cut. If this happens, the log is instantly burned giving the you full Woodcutting and Firemaking experience, including any bonus experience from the ring of fire and the flame gloves if you are wearing them. This technique is used while cutting teak logs with a knife in your inventory. Fletch the logs into arrow shafts and you don’t need to leave to bank. You are training woodcutting, firemaking and fletching using this method.
If you die with the Inferno Adze it will not appear on your gravestone.
If you lose the Inferno Adze, you must light all the 14 beacons again to re-obtain it.
Required Skills: 64 Agility for shortcuts, 60 Crafting to repair a windshield, 31 Prayer, 70 Smithing or 59 Construction, 62 Firemaking for the first reward, 79 Firemaking for the second reward, 92 Firemaking to claim all three rewards.
Items Required: 1 hammer, 1 needle, 2 Iron bars, 3 Jute fibres, 4 planks, 9 nails, 2 Law runes, 2 Fire runes, Logs to light the beacons (each beacon needs 20 logs).
I used magic logs because I wanted the longest burn time.
regular logs burn 13 min
oak logs 13.5 min
willow logs 14.5 min
maple logs 15.75 min
yew 16.5 min
magic 18 min
It is most important to use longer burning logs on the first 5-6 beacons you light.
Know your route well and what teleports to use and when to use them. You need to spend some time getting everything ready for your run. Some beacons need to be repaired to use them. Load all beacons with wood ahead of time. Give each attendant a macaw pouch if you want to be able to check the information map to see if all beacons are still lit, otherwise you will only see the three closest beacons.
Be aware of what payment each attendant will want to keep your fire burning. At the goblin village you will have to give the goblin a Davy Kebbit Hat (Requires completion of the As a First Resort... quest) before he will talk to you, and the lady in charge of the beacon north of the Varrock palace claims that she is tired and needs a white tree fruit (Requires completion of the Garden of Tranquillity quest) before she can help you. The man at the beacon west of the Dark Warrior's Fortress will ask for a lava eel. These payments are optional; I chose not to pay these three to save some time.
Each beacon can burn 20 logs at a time, and can be refreshed with an additional 5 logs (all of the same type).
To see which beacons are lit, you can right-click the NPC guarding the beacon and select 'Information.' You will see the information map above.
The flame means it is lit, while the blue dots mean that they have either died or have not yet been lit. A small flame indicates that the fire is dying out.
Some beacons are in the wildy and you should take precautions in case pkers attack.
Moving over distance sphere obtained in the city of Dorgesh-Kaan from Oldak for 2 law runes and a piece of molten glass (Fast teleport to the goblin Village)
Games necklace
Runes to teleport to Trollheim, at least 2 cast of this spell
Ring of dueling (tele to castle wars to use the balloon)
Glory amulet (tele to edge)
Combat bracelet (tele to the monastary)
Spirit terrorbird pouches
Tireless run scrolls
Super restore potions (to restore levels at the GWD beacon)
Magic or yew logs, 20 - 25 extra for payments pay at least the first 4-5 beacon attendants, the better the log the longer it will burn
2 willow logs for balloon rides
Wear boots of lightness, spotier cape, agile top and legs.
You can take a dip in the salt water bath at Oo'glog to extend your run time as well
Beacon 9 Burthorpe- bring a hammer and two iron bars to repair ladder
Beacon 10 west of dark warriors fortress- bring five nails and two planks to repair
Beacon 12 NW of GWD- bring a needle and three Jute fibers to fix the windbreak
Beacon 13 - bring a hammer and two iron bars to repair ladder
The white numbers in the pictures are the beacon numbers. The red numbers are the order in which I lit them. Of course you can plan out a route that works best for you. I started at beacon 12 because there are a number of things that will slow you down at this beacon, snow drains your stats, wolves will be attacking you, drink super restore potion before lighting this beacon as your fm level will probably be drained. Also make sure its lit before you leave. I left and it wasn't lit and I had to go back at the very end, almost running out of time.
As I stated above, know this route well before your beacon run. Fix the beacons that need repairing before your beacon run. Preload all beacons ahead of time. Just click on a beacon to light it. Use a log on the attendent to leave 5 logs with them. Then tele fast to the next spot.
1.Start at Oo'glog and bathe in agility spa (salt water spa)
2.Teleport to Trollheim and run via God Wars to Beacon 12. Light it and give 5 logs to the Polar bear, use the logs on him. Use Super restore potion as required, the ice drains your skill levels.
3.Ring of duelling to Castle Wars, Run to Balloon and teleport to Varrock.
4.Run and light Beacon 2, then Beacon 1. Leave 5 logs with each attendant
5.Ring of duelling to Castle Wars, Run to Balloon and teleport to Varrock.
6.Run and light Beacon 3, Beacon 4 and Beacon 5
7.Use Amulet of glory to teleport to Edgeville - light Beacon 6
8. Teleport to Monastery using combat bracelet, cross bridge toward ice mountain and run around to black knight's fortress and light Beacon 7.
9.Use Dorgeshun Orb to teleport to Goblin village and light Beacon 8.
10.Use games necklace to teleport to Burthorpe Games Room, run up stairs head east and light Beacon 9.
11.Use Trollheim teleport and agility shortcut east to light Beacon 11
12.Use the short cut to enter the wilderness and run down south to light Beacon 10
13.Run north up the west edge of the wilderness and light Beacon 13
14.Run north, (use protect from melee) and light the last one Beacon 14
Return to King Roald to claim your prize.
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